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Will i be profitable as a beginner without having a forex trading strategy?

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Will I be profitable without using a forex trading strategy? The correct answer is NO.

There are many forex trading strategies and tips that you can use to make better predictions and profits in this online currency market. It is important to find what works for you, as there are many different strategies that can produce successful outcomes.

Some popular forex trading strategies using simple technical analysis include Elliott Wave trading, chart pattern, and channels. Technical analysis can be used to identify areas of interest in the financial market and can help you identify opportunities to make profits.

Fundamental analysis can help you understand the underlying value of a currency and can help you identify potential risks and opportunities. Elliott Wave, chart patterns, and channels are popular strategies that can be used to make a more accurate trading decision which can result in a massive profit.

I hope this answer is helpful, please share and invite friends for more discussion on forex trading strategy, Thanks for being part of the community, we hope to see you again.

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